Thursday, February 21, 2019

TIME Admitted FAKING The Whole Ira Einhorn Earth Day Meme !

Well, not that long ago I began to make some interesting if not a bit too sweeping conceptualizations of the Ira Einhorn saga. The story, from start to finish, may be nothing more than a Hollywood script. It has been suggested to me that actors played the key roles and that we are living in nothing more than an actor-based reality. When I think back on the trial, and when I reexamine the story over again after so many years it gives me pause as so many other stories that come trickling down the news cycle. TIME lied about Ira Einhorn. But this isn't your everyday lie. You see, I have followed this story a LONG time. Since 1998 (20 years!) and I'll say, news stories about Ira are few and far between. One news story I could count on every year has been in April, Earth Day, when at least one moron will write an article about the Earth Day Killer, Ira Einhorn. Of course this slant doubled as a political sway even more than additional damning evidence of Ira's guilt! Certainly, the meme has been a thorn in the liberal agenda, because as the reality of the Ira Einhorn mythos fades, there must always be an intention behind the intention. In our actor-based reality we now live in, it's time Ira Einhorn, or whoever played the role of Ira, should just either come out and admit the lie (which incidentally nearly got me fired from my real-life job!), or die keeping the secret. What an asshole. FAKE FAKE FAKE.

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