Sunday, October 11, 2009

Some Einhorn meditations on the banking system in America:

The question of regressing consciously to a simpler way of life that is less resource based is not a simple one, but the resource limits of inhabiting a planet that is a closed system, except for sunlight and cosmic debris, and the constraints that those limits impose must be part of our present agenda.
The abrupt climate change we are presently experiencing a small taste of is indicative of resource use that is out of balance with the planetary processes that normally provide an invisible free lunch.
Pollution is feed back: it says you are generating ‘waste’ at a rate that the planet can’t handle within time frames that will sustain your ‘standard’ of living.
The ‘west’ – mainly the U.S., Canada, Europe and Japan – have fostered a capitalism that is not sustainable. To allow this model to be transmitted to China, India, Brazil and others is the madness of our times.
The present economic correction is a small indication of how crazy it has all become.
The market as GOD is a fundamentalism that must be countered. Genuine human satisfaction must be an inherent part of any new structure that rises from the present ashes. Profit must take second place to satisfying real needs.
The market must be constrained and the propaganda of the free market must be exposed for the lie that it is. The life created for most by the constant consumption of useless objects is pitiful.
Europe, due to its sensible safety net can better weather the storm that is still in its early stages. The USA is naked and bankrupt – impaled upon a greed that seems infinite as one reads Lewis’s “The End” and other reports from the frontlines.
Reflect on Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton and then think about Paris Hilton or Britney Spears and you will sense how degraded we have become.
Turn off your TV, let your cell phone relax and above all be radical in this time of change: STOP CONSUMING.

Take this recent joke:

Doctor, I have a problem.
Where does it hurt?
Just give me some medicine.
But, I must examine you.
Do you want me to die?
Here’s a blank prescription form.
How many $billions should I make it out for?

All the effort to rebalance the economy has so far been absurd, as we don’t know how large the problem is, as we have been taking the word of the greedy liars who created the problem.
To get the real data, we must nationalize the banks. If not now, when?

“Say it ain’t so Joe, Alex, Mark, Barry, etc.”

The rest of this article is HERE...

While I can't claim all he says is completely on the mark, he can still impress on a higher level than what was displayed at his trial. He is for progress of the mind and of civiliZation, but there will always be Holly's memory and the fact even if he did do under some sort of hallucinatory scenario, or was framed straight up for her death - he will never be able to improve this world.

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