Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On the notion of mind control

Take at the movie calendar. You have a plethora of stories to select such as Dollhouse, Gamers, Surrogates, and Avatar, which all deal with the direct control of a human/surrogate by another. In most cases, the focus is on the lack of free will by those being controlled or the loss of humanity by those doing the controlling.

Is it simply a case of an idea in the air that writers all jump on or does it represent a current need/fear of our society? Ira was laughed at by Judge Mazzola when Ira brought up his "sci-fi" mumbo jumbo. Well, I still haven't read those exact transcripts in a while, so instead of quote, I'll just say that opinions have changed, even since Ira's trial... especially since Ira's trial, and the notion of mind control is less science fiction than it is a reality. Is there a point?

Go to the movies, and escape reality for a while?

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